Monday, December 29, 2008

No more billions without accountability and jobs

Dear Mr. Miller,
What about the next $350 Billion the Treasury is asking for to continue to fund the bailout "plan". Are you just going to hand it over, telling us again that the situation is urgent and there is no other option?

You gave the banks $350 billion. It was supposed to get them lending again, which would help companies and consumers get credit. But the credit markets are still frozen and the economy's getting worse. And the banks won't even say what they did with the money!

Now Treasury is asking Congress for the remaining $350 billion in bailout funds. No more oversight. No strings attached. Just $350 billion that could be spent on health care, or green jobs, or more teachers—going instead into the black hole that is our financial system.

Please don't give one more dime to the banks unless they can show they're using it to create jobs and stimulate the economy!

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