Saturday, October 11, 2008

Don't tell us bank bailout was your only option

Mr. Miller,
Why did you vote to use our taxpayer's money to bail out the banks, instead of insisting that the money should be used to help homeowners who can't pay their mortgages and and also used for job creation programs to stimulate spending? Do you think we are fooled when you tell us that because the government had to act fast, the Paulson bank bailout plan was the ONLY SOLUTION AVAILABLE? We know that there were many eminent economists proposing other solutions that would have directly benefited and protected Main Street instead of Wall Street. Why did you and the rest of the establishment Congressional leadership act as though those Main Street solutions didn't even exist? Why did you dutifully follow the dictates of Paulson, Bernanke, and their biased Wall Street economists to pass their plan for a $700 billion bailout that will only protect Wall Street banks (and their wealthy executives and investors) from the consequences of their greedy and reckless business investments at our great expense?
Congressman Miller, please watch this video clip of a speech by Congressman Brad Sherman , and answer his challenges, if you can! (The full video can be viewed at )

1 comment:

  1. Re the bailout and the purchase of some bank’s preferred shares.

    I heard that Paulson, Bernanke and Co. are going to buy non-voting preferred shares as part of the financial bailout of the banks.

    If they do that, how will they vote directors onto the corporation’s boards of directors? Who will look after the interests of the taxpayers who have been forced to invest in these companies?

    If P B & C don’t buy voting preferred shares, I am going to start believing the conspiracy tales that are now circulating.

    At the Boston tea party they said – No taxation without representation.

    For the bank bailout I suggest we say - No taxation bailout without representation (on the bank’s boards)!
