Monday, July 9, 2007

Regarding the Undressed Emperor's Latest Machinations and the Court Jesters


I've been analyzing the latest act in a pathetic
performance by a desperate Duhbya. What an
incompetent liar. He'll say anything he thinks will
buy him more time. Clearly he's angling for another,
"Pearl Harbor event." If you aren't careful he's
going top get it. Here's why:
Fact: Al Qaeda means, "The Base," in Arabic.
Fact: "The Base," was constructed by the CIA who
armed and trained Osama bin Laden and his cohort.
Fact: The violent overthrow of the duly elected Iraqi
government in 1958 was orchestrated to put the
Baathists in power as a CIA client entity.
Fact: We armed and educated Saddam Hussein and
outfitted him with a coercive intelligence agency.
Fact: We pulled the same stunt in Iran as we pulled
in Iraq.
Fact: We constructed permanent military bases in
Saudi Arabia.
Fact: We're constructing permanent military bases in
Fact: All this is causal in the fomentation the
Islamic Fundamentalist Revolution.
Fact: We're losing our grip on Pakistan and Musharraf
isn't long for leadership there. The ISS is going
into ascent, imagine their finger on the Islamic
nuclear trigger.
Fact: We're losing our grip on Afghanistan. Welcome
back the Taliban.
Fact: The Neo-Cons stated the following for the
record regarding their agenda: "Dov Zakheim, called
for a 'Pearl Harbor' type of incident being necessary
to foster the frame of mind needed for the American
public to support a war in the Middle East that would
politically and culturally reshape the region."
Fact: Bush's imperialist adventure in Iraq opened the
floodgates and invited Al Qaeda into the fray in Iraq
where they had had a zero-footprint previously.
Fact: The philosophy known as, "The enemy of my enemy
is my friend," will prevent the Iraqis from
dispatching the Al Qaeda problem in their country
until the, "Infidel Occupiers," have left their
Fact: The longer we delay our departure from Iraq the
more organized and entrenched Al Qaeda will become in
Fact: The more entrenched and organized Al Qaeda
becomes the more likely they will execute their next
attack on the continental United States.
Fact: The Neo-Cons backs are presently against the
Fact: The Neo-Cons would welcome another, "Pearl
Harbor," event as it would allow them to redirect the
American public back down the path of Jingoism to
another ill considered invasion.
Fact: The administration has their Iran attack plans
fully formulated and are itching to put their fingers
on the trigger and launch that offensive.
Fact: The administration is rapidly formulating a
plan to intercede in Pakistan.
Fact: The United States military is already
dangerously overextended and spent, most poorly.
Fact: We have foreign mercenaries; with boots on the
ground in America, acting without legal constraint on
behalf of the Department of Defense.
Fact: If you don't do something about all this soon
it will once again be too late and you will have
failed through inaction just as you have failed
through inaction very consistently since the 2000
Fact: When the Neo-Cons get their, "Pearl Harbor,"
event, they are going to bury you along with what
little is left of the Constitution and the Bill of
Fact: We didn't win the Cold War by scaring or
outspending the Soviets. We won the Cold War by being
the kind of a country our opponent's cadre decided
they would prefer to live in.
Fact: We aren't that country anymore!

Do me a favor; Wake Up and face your only logical
choice: Be Statesmen; Do It Right; DO IT NOW! Put the
Neo-Con animal to sleep. I DO MEAN euthanize it
immediately. It's cancerous; it's traitorous; it's

To Do List:
-Get us OUT of Iraq NOW!
-Impeach Cheney.
-Impeach Duhbya.
-Repeal the Patriot Act.
-Staunch the bleeding from our free-trade wounds; Free
Trade is poorly disguised corporate fascism, a
manifestation of the race to the bottom and unworthy
of America.
-Disassemble Homeland Security and redistribute the
various agencies that were uprooted to comprise it
back to their respective parent entities
-Roll back the FCC's rulings for the past 30-years and
legislate replacement regulations that disallow
concentration of ownership while breaking up the media
-Regulate how much gross profit a News organization
may make in a year. Two point five percent is
probably about right.
-Require that television act in the Public Interest;
provide News a minimum of Two hours per day.
-Provide block-time free of charge to balloted
candidates at election time along with equal time
provisions to ensure a level playing field.
-Cut off lobbying at the knees to tear 'Big Money' out
of politics.
-Entrench Net Neutrality; an Amendment to the
Constitution is in order, as the Net Neutral Internet
is the only Free Marketplace of Ideas left in this
-Repair the damage done to our educational system over
the past 35 years so that we are once again educating
generations of independent thinking problem solvers
and adventurers.
Note: Mankind is a dangerous phenomenon that requires
drama and conflict to excel. Herein lies our primary
dilemma: what to do about it? Fortunately the answer
is simple!
1. Conquer Outer Space: We have to get some of our
genetic material off this planet before we lose that
capacity; So, Do It!
2. Conquer Renewable Energy/Global Warming: The
phenomenon most likely to derail human progress is our
pathetic insistence on clinging to a technology that
is dangerously obsolete. Obliterate it in favor of
the future.

When you've completed these tasks pat yourselves on
the back and take a well-deserved Two-week vacation.
Then, GET BACK TO WORK! I'm not paying you to lounge
around destroying our Nation through inattention to
detail. There's much to be done. Now that you're
statesmen I expect you to put your shoulders to the
wheel and make the right decisions on behalf of the
Citizens you represent. Remember: The business of
America is, "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
Happiness." Business comes in a very distant second
for consideration on this scale.

P.S. Britain's reallocation of the legitimate
Palestinian State's territory to Israel in collusion
with the United States created an open wound that must
be equitably redressed before a legitimate peace can
ever be reached in the Middle East.

Laurens Lincoln Battis III
Fairfield, CA

Larry Battis

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- B. Franklin, 1759

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect
everyone who approaches that jewel." --Patrick Henry

1 comment:

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