Friday, July 20, 2007

Impeach to end Iraq war AND prevent IRAN WAR

Dear Representative Miller,

The danger of an expanded war into Iran is imminent. The only way to prevent it is through impeachment of Cheney and Bush. Legislative restraints won't work because they think they are above the law. And in any case, we don't have TIME for your legislative strategy to play out. They have already made all the preparations for an attack on Iran and they are looking for any excuse to launch it.

You know that both Cheney and Bush have committed many impeachable offenses with regard to the war in Iraq. Through the tool of impeachment you have the power not only to end the Iraq war but also to prevent a horrendous expansion of the war into Iran -- will you use that power? Will you cosign H.Res.333 (Articles to Impeach Cheney) and urge Speaker Pelosi to allow the impeachment process back on the table?

The American people will never forgive the Democrats if they allow Bush-Cheney to expand the war into Iran when they could have prevented it through their power (and responsibility) of impeachment. In the context of their intentions for imminent war with Iran, how can you say that impeachment would be a "distraction" from more important business?

Please read this article from Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration and former Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page. Think hard about his urgent warning about Iran. The fate of so many lives, and our democracy, rests on you decision. This is no time for safe political strategy.
"Impeach Now, Or Face the End of Constitutional Democracy"
Counter Punch, July 16, 2007

A formerly loyal Democrat,
Benicia, CA

1 comment:

  1. thanks for your blog. george miller is my rep in congress as well. tho i am a ron paul republican, i agree with you. impeach the criminals. end the war/occupation in iraq. and no war in iran.

    no war with iran!
